This state of the art EZ Revenue Sharing Script - PRO VERSION comes with all the cutting edge features you could ever hope to find in one script.
The content of all the pages, including this text you are reading now can be completely edited from the Administrator Control Panel.
The color and theme can be changed at the click of a button too and this script has several themes included to choose from or you can just add your own.

The content of all these pages can be made dynamic by using any of a wide range of custom tags which are just like macros. Below are some examples of which if you change the values of these items in the Administrator Control Panel it will show the current value for those items on your pages which saves a lot of page editing if you change a setting.

There are many more to choose from, be creative and make your own site very individual. If you change the value of any of these items in your Admin Control Panel they will reflect the new value on every page that you use them on. These tags can even be used in your e-mail at signup, e-mail address verification, update notes etc.

This script also includes a support ticketing system to eliminate the need for e-mail being lost, delayed or ending up in a bulk folder! Update notes can be sent via e-mail, directly to a users member's area or both. E-mails can be sent to certain groups, paid members, unpaid members or all members! These features add much more power and flexibility to any program.

This script also records clicks for referrers as well as the number of people they have referred into your program. Nearly everything can be changed to suit your program.
A very valuable part of this script.

The features mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg
that this script offers the admin as well as the members.

New payment processors can be added at will, processors can be independently enabled or disabled for both joining a program or withdrawing from and alternative processors that a user can receive money to will be shown at time of withdraw. Batch payments can easily be generated as well.

Current Payment Processors Offered:
E-Bullion, E-Gold, Liberty Reserve,
Moneybookers, Pay By Check,
PayPal, Payza,
Pecunix, Phoenix Dollar,
Safepay, Solid Trust Pay.

Settings for how many members are paid, admin profits, referral bonuses etc can all be changed on the fly and your stats and accounting will always be right. This script uses a unique and revolutionary new system to divide payments rather than having to set a fixed amount per person which makes other scripts completely inflexible.

We can honestly say that this script is the best!

Members Earn 20% Commissions From Affiliate Sales!


Server Hosting Requirements:
PHP 5 to 5.5 (Anything higher may not work)
MYSQL Database
Apache Web Server

Script includes one (1) domain name license

PRICE: $180.00



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